I used to hear the word “retirement” and what came to my mind was buying a new set of tires, re-tire, for my car.

I then saw friends and relatives “retiring” in the conventional way, you know, Stop working,

Slow down, take it easy, travel, have fun.

These friends and relatives I observed, always tired more easily, generally had less energy, etc.

But the one thing I noticed the most was this sense of “no purpose.” Sure, there’s lots of things to occupy my mind and time, and spend my money on, everything but purpose.

Forgive me, but it’s like having a car, your own car, still usable, you know, “A lot of miles left in this baby!” And yet we tend to trade it in, sell it off, or worse, just stop driving it, using it. The paint is a little rough, needs an oil change or maybe a tune up, OR just maybe it only needs to be Re-Tired, and not retired.

Re-Tired, given a new purpose or direction. In the park we have a young man of 80+ years who while not in the shape he was in at 30 years, but neither am I, still walks with purpose, with an idea in his head of what he’s going to do next. Good for him! I only hope when I’m 80+ years young, I’m still kicking as well as him.

We don’t have a retirement community here at Providence RV Parks at Lake Fork. We do have some retired folks and will take more. Did you know that we are one of the few Lake Fork RV Parks that all full time RV living?

You might think of us as a RE-TIRE center. Put on a new set of tires and keep rolling.

Send me your retired, your wise ones, your “I love life” ones.

Yeah, you could call us a RE-TIRE R V Park.

